Крепость Инквизиторий — важное место во вселенной «Звездных войн», служащее штаб-квартирой Имперских инквизиторов, которым поручено выслеживать и уничтожать выживших джедаев. В крепости есть различные помещения, такие как тренировочные додзё, конференц-залы, большой тюремный блок для заключенных и стартовая площадка для зондов, используемых для поиска джедаев в галактике.
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В «Оби-Ване Кеноби» пресловутая Крепость Инквизиторий Имперской Империи предстает важной крепостью и штаб-квартирой безжалостных охотников-джедаев Дарта Вейдера. Ранее показанное в различных проектах «Звездных войн», это ключевое место приобретает новое значение, когда Оби-Ван отправляется на смелую спасательную миссию по спасению Леи Органы. Напуганно знакомая, но впервые показанная вживую, крепость становится ареной, где Кеноби сталкивается с душераздирающими откровениями, скрытыми в ее зловещих стенах.
В «Повстанцах Звездных войн» Инквизиторы представлены как агенты под командованием Лордов Ситхов, идентифицированные по их красным световым мечам и индивидуальным способностям Силы. Эти люди, ранее сами джедаи, были вынуждены подчиниться темной стороне. В их основные обязанности входило выслеживание выживших джедаев после выполнения Приказа 66 и обеспечение безопасности чувствительных к Силе детей для Императора. В Тёмные времена Крепость Инквизиторий служила базой для охотников Дарта Вейдера, позволяя им разрабатывать стратегии против галактики, одновременно исполняя желания ситхов.
Крепость Инквизиторий — база инквизиторов Дарта Вейдера
Расположен в системе Мустафар
While the Inquisitorius was originally based on Coruscant, Emperor Palpatine eventually had the Inquisitors’ facility moved to their own world following the death of an Imperial senator during a battle between Vader and two rogue Inquisitors. Located in the Mustafar system, the new Fortress Inquisitorius was built on Nur, an ocean moon very close to Vader’s fiery world and his own fortress which debuted in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. From here, new Inquisitors were trained, and any Jedi they captured were tortured, interrogated, and finally executed if they could not be corrupted to the dark side.
While the top of the Fortress Inquisitorius can be seen above the waves of Nur’s vast oceans, the bulk of the facility is located underwater, a natural security measure making it incredibly hard to break in and out. Having its own hangar above sea level, all Inquisitors have to pass through extensive security checkpoints before entering the levels below. Not only does the Fortress feature its own training dojos, but it also has a large cell block for prisoners, meeting rooms for the Inquisitors to plan new hunts, and a launch bay for probes used to search the galaxy for any surviving Jedi.
На нижних уровнях находится комната трофеев инквизиторов
Добыча с охоты на джедаев
The lower levels of the Fortress Inquisitorius are also lined with dark trophies from their past conquests. This includes lightsabers that once belonged to Jedi Knights as well as youngling training helmets, presumably from the purge of the Jedi Temple during Order 66. However, the darkest room in the entire Fortress is the Jedi tomb, a massive multi-layered hall filled with the suspended corpses of Jedi both young and old whom the Inquisitors had killed as featured in 2022’s Obi-Wan Kenobi series.
While not all of these fallen Jedi can be identified, this dark tomb housing several fallen Jedi discovered by Obi-Wan Kenobi does house the likes of Jedi Master Tera Sinube from The Clone Wars animated series and countless others who were slain by Darth Vader and his hunters during the Dark Times. While not featured, one can assume that the corpse of Jedi Master Luminara Unduli was among this number as well, having been used in a dark scheme to bait living Jedi survivors as seen in the first season of Star Wars Rebels.
Каждый раз, когда мы видели Крепость Инквизиторий
Два шоу, одна игра и один роман
Between Order 66 survivor Cal Kestis in EA’s Jedi: Fallen Order and Obi-Wan Kenobi in his own series, the two Jedi have provided a fairly in-depth look at the Fortress Inquisitorius overall. The same goes for the novel Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade by Delilah S. Dawson and Tales of the Empire which featured Barriss Offee’s recruitment as one of Vader’s early Jedi hunters. It truly is a dark monument representing the Empire’s power and its achievement of nearly erasing the legacy of the Jedi Order from the galaxy. Here’s every time the Fortress Inquisitorius has been featured in the Star Wars canon.
Джедаи: Падший Орден
The Inquisitors also play a large role in the canonical storyline for EA’s Jedi: Fallen Order. Featuring the debut of the Fortress Inquisitorius in the Star Wars galaxy, the video game’s narrative reveals the journey of Jedi Purge survivor Cal Kestis who’s attempting to restore the Jedi Order five years after Revenge of the Sith. As such, he inevitably crosses paths with the Inquisitors which leads him to the moon of Nur, the site of their menacing stronghold.
Оби-Ван Кеноби
2022’s Obi-Wan Kenobi features the fortress for the first time in live-action. In a mission very similar to Cal’s, Obi-Wan ventures to Nur to save young Princess Leia from the clutches of the Third Sister. Entering the Fortress underwater just as Kestis did, Obi-Wan and the Hidden Path’s Tala Durith successfully save Leia and escape the dark fortress, though not after Kenobi discovers the Inquisitors’s trophies and dark Jedi tomb.
Инквизитор: Восстание Красного Клинка
Rise of the Red Blade follows the rise and major fall of Iskat Akaris as the Thirteenth Sister. Akaris was one of the rogue Inquisitors killed by Darth Vader when the Jedi hunters were still based on Coruscant. As a result, Iskat was the primary reason why Palpatine had the Inquisitorius moved to Nur, closer to Darth Vader on Mustafar and away from the prying eyes of the Imperial Senate.
Сказки Империи
2024’s Tales of the Empire also featured a new look at the Fortress Inquisitorius. Arriving on Nur shortly after the events of Order 66, the rogue Jedi Barris Offee was recruited into the Inquisitors’ ranks by the Fourth Sister. Featuring closer looks at its brutal training dodos while the Grand Inquisitor sparred and tested Barriss, both the prison block and throne room for their master Darth Vader were featured as well in the new animated series.
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2024-05-22 06:53