Как пожизненный энтузиаст Боба Дилана, который вырос, слушая его музыку и читая все книги о нем, которые я мог найти, я должен признать, что поначалу отнесся к этому скептически, когда услышал, что Тимоти Шаламе был выбран на роль легендарного музыканта в фильме «Полное неизвестное». Я имею в виду давай! Этот парень блестящий актер, но Дилан – единственный в своем роде артист с неповторимым голосом и личностью. Но посмотрев трейлер к фильму, должна сказать, что Шаламе меня покорил.
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После презентации трейлера «Полное неизвестное» критики высоко оценили роль Боба Дилана в фильме Тимоти Шаламе. Этот предстоящий биографический фильм под руководством Джеймса Мэнголда углубляется в путь Дилана к славе в фолк-музыкальном сообществе Гринвич-Виллидж в 1960-е годы. Примечательно спорное решение Дилана использовать электрогитары. В актерский состав к Шаламе присоединятся Эдвард Нортон, Эль Фаннинг, Моника Барбаро, Бойд Холбрук, Дэн Фоглер и Скут МакНейри.
Теперь, после презентации трейлера фильма «Совершенно неизвестно», критики высоко оценили образ Дилана Шаламе. В многочисленных интервью журналу Variety уважаемые авторитеты Дилана, в том числе авторы, эксперты, исследователи и ведущие подкастов, высоко оценили игру Шаламе в роли Дилана. Прочтите их благодарные комментарии ниже:
Prior to the preview, there was a sense of apprehension towards A Complete Unknown due to pessimistic expectations. Many were prepared for disappointment and believed the film could have turned out worse. Upon seeing the trailer, reactions ranged from surprise to «it looks alright.» The visuals evoked thoughts of Bob Dylan’s oil paintings in terms of their rich yet uninspired appearance. This cinematography embodied a glossy, Hollywood portrayal of American culture.
I’ve always been fascinated by the power of accents and how they can transport us to different worlds and eras. Having worked as a dialect coach for several years, I can attest to the challenge of helping an actor fully embody a specific accent. With that said, I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised by Timothée Chalamet’s portrayal in his latest role.
1. Anne Margaret Daniel, a music expert and educator at The New School, leading a course on Bob Dylan: The images didn’t really soothe me. Timothée Chalamet seemed quite polished. Timothée Chalamet is an incredibly talented young actor. I’ve appreciated him in nearly everything I’ve watched—with the exception of Wonka. I’ll stick with Gene Wilder, if you don’t mind. But, still! He appeared to be enjoying himself. Strangely enough, the prosthetic nose didn’t resemble Dylan’s nose as much as I expected. I wonder if the film will receive the same criticism that Bradley Cooper faced for Maestro; that was an unexpected twist for me.
1. The manner in which he plucks the strings and the fluidity of his right hand movements are spot-on. It’s evident that he has studied many videos of Bob in action. However, I found it bothersome when he added a ‘G’ to «darling.» He should have sung, «my daaarlin’ young one.» At that point in time, Dylan didn’t use a ‘G.’ The song isn’t «Blowing in the Wind,» it’s «Blowin’ in the Wind.» So, I couldn’t help but cringe slightly at that.
As a dedicated gamer and an avid fan of Bob Dylan, I must admit I shared the concerns of many Dylan enthusiasts. However, when the trailer for Timothée Chalamet’s portrayal of our beloved musician came to an end, my initial skepticism was replaced with excitement. The cadence is a crucial aspect of Dylan’s unique voice and style, and I have to admit, Chalamet has nailed it remarkably well.
As a longtime Bob Dylan fan, I can’t help but be intrigued by the idea of a film about him creating one of his ’80s albums. The prospect of witnessing the legendary musician in action during that era is an exciting one for me and perhaps a handful of other die-hard fans. However, I understand that this might not be a universally popular notion.
Ray Padgett, the author of «Pledging My Time: Conversations With Bob Dylan Band Members» and writer for «Flagging Down the Double E’s» Substack, has encountered mockery from those connected to Dylan. However, when the trailer was released, the response was largely positive, showing enthusiasm from Dylan’s followers. Admittedly, I wasn’t particularly excited about it before seeing the trailer, but I thought Timothée Chalamet was an excellent casting decision.
1. Initially, the voice left me astonished, making me wonder if it was indeed Bob. However, the moment iconic locations from Dylan’s tales were brought to life on screen, I couldn’t help but feel exhilarated. The authentic recreation of Cafe Wha? and the ’60s street scenes in the Village took me back, creating an immersive period piece. Although this film may not be targeted at hardcore Dylan fans like us, I can’t wait to be both skeptical and eager to see it as soon as it’s released.
1. Craig Danuloff, who oversees Dylan.FM’s website and podcast, initially faced skepticism within the Dylan community. However, now approximately 90% of Twitter-based fans (known for their propensity to voice discontent) have expressed positive sentiments towards the trailer. Initially, the hardcore fans were reluctant, but a gradual flow of information eventually led them to consider, «Perhaps this will turn out well.»
1. Similar to Bob Dylan’s elongation of words and gravelly voice, this person exhibits the same roughness and authenticity in his singing. Particularly, when he sings «highways,» it sounds just like Dylan during that time. This five-year period in the early ’60s is significant because every subsequent five-year period since then has been equally intriguing. [Danuloff’s Note: The five-year period referenced here spans from the early 1960s.]
1. Erin Callahan, a professor as well as the host of the «Infinity Goes Up on Trial» podcast: I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve watched the trailer, but I would estimate that I’ve seen it at least twenty times or more. As for Dylan, there are various circles he belongs to, and I find myself in both the fan group and the scholarly community. The criticism has been more prevalent among academics. However, the fans, who are often referred to as Dylanologists, have shown great enthusiasm. In terms of resemblance, Timothée Chalamet looks quite like Bob Dylan, with perhaps the exception of Cate Blanchett. It’s clear that he has put in a lot of effort. He has mastered Dylan’s gestures and mannerisms. Moreover, he has done an exceptional job with the early-career phrasing and tone.
1. As the director of the Bob Dylan Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Steve Jenkins is brimming with enthusiasm and eagerness. Some traditionalists might be subtly skeptical, but it’s still too soon to tell. It’s just a lively topic for discussion among fans. Dylan enthusiasts will eagerly scrutinize and interpret any sign of Bob Dylan’s activity.
1. The camera adores Chalamet, making him appear quite dashing as Dylan. His brief renditions of «A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall» are impressive and worthy. There appears to be a keen focus on authentic period details in the production. While some may rush to call it a masterpiece or claim it shouldn’t have been made, I assure you that there will be a long line of people eager to watch the movie once it hits theaters.
Ian Grant, a podcast co-host for «Jokermen» and «Never Ending Stories,» shares his perspective: Some people are critical of the movie and unwilling to give it a chance. In contrast, others are thrilled about the Bob Dylan film featuring Timothée Chalamet. If I had been in charge, I might have chosen an unknown actor for the role — a pun intended. However, it’s essential to consider business aspects, so this option wasn’t feasible.
Upon watching the trailer, I was pleasantly surprised, having initially assumed this would be yet another cheesy, low-budget production based on recent rock biopics. However, from what I’ve seen, it doesn’t appear to fit that mold. In the trailer, Timothée Chalamet seems more convincing than in some of the behind-the-scenes photos where he wore a hat and scarf. While some critics may have been put off by the scarf, it appears less distracting in motion. Admittedly, the internet can sometimes overreact to minor details, but the trailer’s presentation is more promising.
1. His singing voice in the movie sounds exceptionally good, undoubtedly enhanced in some aspects, yet it carries an authenticity that’s impressive. It’s quite brave of him to tackle such iconic songs, showing a fair amount of audacity. However, I personally wouldn’t find this film appealing, and neither would die-hard Bob Dylan fans. For people like us who are deeply invested in Dylan’s work, this particular era might not offer two hours of engaging drama in a movie.
As a dedicated fan, I’m either looking forward to an intricately crafted and heartfelt portrayal of this character who means a lot to me, or bracing myself for a spectacle that might be entertaining to critique. Fingers crossed it leans more towards the former. I certainly don’t want it to become another Bohemian Rhapsody-style movie, but hey, no judgement if it does… just not my preferred style!
Laura Tenschert, host of the «Definitely Dylan» podcast, acknowledges Timothée Chalamet’s charisma and acting skills but raises concerns about his height for playing Bob Dylan. She suggests they could have done without the prosthetic nose, as she feels it wasn’t essential. She appreciates that Chalamet avoids the typical Dylan impression and instead delivers a more authentic portrayal. She believes this film presents an enticing chance for newcomers to explore Bob Dylan’s artistry, given his extensive career and the potential intimidation in diving into it.
An engaging film about him, such as this one, offers audiences a chance to appreciate his captivating personality and unique traits that make Bob Dylan so intriguing. Known for his versatility, Bob Dylan recently unveiled a song titled «I Contain Multitudes.» Some devoted fans might find it challenging to accept a biopic portraying a definitive account of his life since real-life complexity surpasses the scope of any film. However, there’s certainly value in creating a more straightforward biopic that highlights significant events and aspects of his remarkable journey.
KG Miles, writer of «Bob Dylan in the Big Apple,» «Bob Dylan and Dylan Thomas» among others: My children persuaded me to watch movies like «Dune», which aren’t usually my cup of tea. However, Timothée Chalamet’s charm as an actor is undeniable, making him a standout performer. He possesses the stardom that catches one’s eye. I believe even the most skeptical Bob Dylan fans will find themselves intrigued now.
Does he capture Bob Dylan’s distinctive vocal style convincingly? You might have high standards, but he manages to do it justice without sounding overly imitative or karaoke-like. If the movie is even half as engaging as its trailer promises, it will surely attract a large audience. The production team has certainly done an excellent job so far. Here’s hoping the rest of the film maintains this level of quality.
As a devoted admirer, I must confess: there’s something enigmatic about Bob Dylan when he’s on screen. His unique speech, his distinctive mannerisms, and the intriguing blend of awkwardness and charm he possesses make me wonder if any actor could truly capture that essence authentically. To my mind, a smaller, less imposing figure would be more fitting to portray him. I’m all for the approach of having the actor sing live rather than using a pre-recorded studio voice or lip-synching Dylan’s vocals. It adds an authenticity that I find captivating.
If the film doesn’t resonate with me personally, but manages to attract a larger audience who discover Dylan’s music through it, I’d consider that a win overall. I anticipate this movie will be decently produced and acted, yet not particularly exceptional. Frankly, I believe the likelihood of it being outstanding is slim, but I also feel there’s a good minimum standard. I don’t foresee the film being terrible or brilliant; rather, I expect it to fall somewhere in the middle – an outcome that, ironically, can be quite uninteresting.
Michael Gray, a renowned critic and author of «Song & Dance Man: The Art of Bob Dylan,» shares his unique perspective on the recent wave of interest in Bob Dylan’s Hollywood connection. While many people online are captivated by the glamour and allure of TikTok’s Dylan impersonator, Michael finds himself less enchanted. In his opinion, some of the excitement may not be solely about Dylan but rather the novelty of the Hollywood setting. Although the impersonator may not perfectly resemble Dylan in Michael’s eyes, he acknowledges that this phase is part of the Bob Dylan experience during that time. The singer’s voice is a commendable representation, not an imitation.
Полный неизвестный трейлер покорил критиков
Первые фотографии со съемочной площадки вызвали много скептицизма
Еще в начале 2020 года я был в восторге, когда Тимоти Шаламе получил роль Дилана в «Полном неизвестном». Но как преданный поклонник певца и автора песен, на котором основана эта история, я не мог не чувствовать себя неловко. Стойкие фанаты, известные как диланологи, печально известны своими высокими стандартами и придирчивостью. А когда в сети появились фотографии Шаламе в костюме Дилана, их реакция была в основном неблагоприятной. Они не стеснялись выражать свое неодобрение, акцентируя внимание на таких деталях, как его костюм из Гринвич-Виллидж и большой нелестный шарф, который он носил. Прежде чем я это осознал, эта фотография превратилась в мем, который распространился среди нас, фанатов.
Несмотря на первоначальную критику, недавно выпущенный трейлер фильма «Полное неизвестное», в котором представлена песня «A Hard Rains A-Gonna Fall» в исполнении Тимоти Шаламе, покорил многих скептиков. Всего за две минуты клип демонстрирует мощную игру Шаламе, вызывая волну осторожного оптимизма среди критиков. Даже известные эксперты по Бобу Дилану высоко оценили его преданность этой роли и отметили поразительное сходство его певческого голоса и манер с самим Диланом.
Хотя некоторые специалисты по Дилану по-прежнему настроены скептически, они признают, что «Полное неизвестное» ориентировано в первую очередь не на них. Вместо этого Тимоти Шаламе с большим энтузиазмом относится к тому, чтобы представить музыку Дилана более молодой аудитории. После успеха «Вонки» и «Дюны: Часть вторая» Шаламе переживает бум кассовых сборов. Хорошо принятый образ Дилана в «Полном неизвестном» может привести к еще одной номинации на «Оскар» для Шаламе, а возможно, даже к его первой победе.
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